
  • 天津艾浮瑞特科技有限公司
  • 天津市北辰区联东优谷161号
  • 300401
  • 18522167879
  • 卢女士

        天津艾浮瑞特科技有限公司成立于2013 年,是一家专注致力于水射流技术研究和矿用水切割机、矿用巷道水力切顶机、变频切割 / 清洗/ 除锈一体机产品以及煤层注水泵、压裂泵、喷雾泵、注液泵等产品研发、生产及销售的高新技术企业。公司总部设立于魅力城市天津,坐落于北辰区联东优谷科技园内,建筑面积 5500 余平米,并在全国各地设有办事处。
       公司自成立以来,获得50多项专利成果,并与国内多所知名大学建立横向交流与合作。销售的产品已占据我国22个省市煤炭市场和石油、石化、化工市场, 公司产品为客户解决了在危险环境下的切割问题, 采用水切割方式并且切割过程安全、无火花、无异味。
       艾浮瑞特始终秉承诚信求实、创新发展的企业精神,持续深耕于水切割机行业,以工匠精神做好产品和服务,以优质的产品和服务赢得了越来越多客户的认同, 并致力于将艾浮瑞特塑造成为水切割机知名品牌。

  Tianjin Iffort Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2013, which is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to the research of water jet technology and the research, development, production and sales of mine water cutting machine, roadway hydraulic roof cutting machine, variable frequency conversion cutting/cleaning/derusting integrated machine products, coal seam water injection pump, fracturing pump, spray pump, liquid injection pump and other products. Headquartered in the charming city of Tianjin, the company is located in the Liandong U Valley Science and Technology Park , Beichen District, with a construction area of more than 5,500 square meters and offices all over the country.

  Since its establishment, the company has obtained more than 50 patent achievements and established horizontal exchanges and cooperation with many well-known universities in China. The products sold have occupied the coal market and petroleum, petrochemical and chemical markets in 22 provinces and cities in China. The company's products have solved the cutting problem in dangerous environment for customers, and the cutting process is safe, spark free, and odorless.

  Iffort always adheres to the corporate spirit of honesty, practicality, and innovative development, and continues to deeply cultivate the water cutting machine industry. With the spirit of craftsmanship, we do a good job in products and services, and have won more and more customer recognition with high-quality products and services. We are committed to shaping Iffort into a well-known brand of water cutting machines.


